Are There Pre-Set Sizes?

Are There Pre-Set Sizes?

The short answer of NO doesn’t give the whole picture. The long answer is, not really, but there are sizes that are more optimal for your cost per square foot. Let’s explain:

LouveRoof Pergolas are NOT a kit.

Let’s start here. You can go to Costco or Target or some other online place and probably find a louvered pergola looking thing for several thousand dollars. It comes in some form of a crate or box and then you get to figure out how to assemble it IKEA style. That is not how LouveRoof Pergolas are made. They are 100% custom cut and built to meet your exact specifications. We can dial the dimensions down to 1/32” Unfortunately, we have yet to see a home built perfectly plumb and square. It doesn’t exist. When you slap a perfectly square product on a house out of square, it just looks a little off if you know what I mean. That’s where our custom build comes into play. We’ll build it so it looks right for your house, no matter the layout. We’ll match the house we have to work with.

What does that mean?

It means you are buying the LouveRoof Pergola like you’d buy a custom frame package for your house. How is lumber for your house bought? It’s bought in preset sizes and then it’s cut to fit your house. The off-cuts or waste are then recycled or thrown away depending on the material and the recyclability.

What are good sizes?

At the moment all the extrusions are bought in 16’, 20’, and 24’ lengths. What that means is that a 16’ by 12’ for example is pretty good cost per square foot because the 16’ beams go front and back and a 24’ beam is cut in half for both sides.

Where Do I Start Then?

So you have a blank canvas and you’re wondering what to cover. You’re wanting a Louvered roof, an adjustable pergola, a smart pergola, whatever you want to call it. Contact Us and we’ll get someone to come out and give you ideas that are not only going to fit your space, but also will optimize your cost per square foot. On the other hand, if you want to cover everything and you don’t care about cost per square foot, then we can do that too.


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